As a middle school teacher, from time to time I would have my students do book spine poems. Inspired by that concept, this summer when I was decorating a bulletin board, I was drawn to Facebook images from Life Teen and Ascension Press. As I collected different images that I liked, I realized that strung together, they could make a narrative. Of course, it takes some filling in the gaps. Different viewers might get different messages from it based on personal experiences that resonate with the words. In fact, it will mean different things to me at different points of my journey. (Note: The one that is not a Life Teen image is one that I made using an image of a stained glass window at our church.)
Here is the way it looks on the bulletin board, strung together with ribbon and paperclips:
While I didn't end up using images from Ascension Press for the narrative because I decided to have the consistent look of one image type, I did include this image at the top, one that I had printed earlier in the year that continues to be one of my favorites.